import csv
def count_records(csv_file):
record_count = 0
first_line = None
last_line = None
# Open the CSV file and read it line by line
with open(csv_file, 'r', newline='') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
first_line = next(reader)
for row in reader:
last_line = row
record_count += 1
except StopIteration:
return record_count, first_line, last_line
# Specify the path to your CSV file
csv_file_path = 'path/to/your/file.csv'
# Count the records, get the first and last lines
num_records, first_row, last_row = count_records(csv_file_path)
# Display the results
print(f"Number of records in the CSV file: {num_records}")
print("First line:", first_row)
print("Last line:", last_row)
Quality and Software Bugs Lover Zone
Bugs are happily living there and they always will, unless Computers begin to develop IQ
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Read CSV from S3
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Kubernetes k8s
Day 3
kubeadm init @@will be run on master, below step will be done as a part of this command.
1. pulling images of API server, etcd, scheduler, replication controller, network proxy
2. setting ca certificate for all the above components
3. writes controller
4. start the pod of above components
5. gives user access token
6. give instruction to run kubectl cli to run.
7. gives join command to connect minion to master.
MASTER is the brain of our cluster
Following are key components in master:
- API Server
- Scheduler
- Replication Controller
- Etcd
Minion (Node)
Deployments - declaritive for replicasets and pod. Eg rollout
SERVICES: Abstract access of container and pod using kubeproxy
Monday, September 4, 2023
Docker Commands
Day - 1
yum install docker @@ install docker
systemctl restart docker @@ restart docker
systemctl enable docker @@ autostart docker if machine restart
docker version
docker images @@ List all the images in local
docker ps @@ list the running container
docker ps -a @@ list all the container
docker run <image> @@ Starting a new container of image
docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash @@ Give me interactive terminal of ubuntu image container
docker run -d smehta26/clock @@container run without log or detached
docker logs <containerId or containerName> @@print the logs
docker logs --tail 3 <containerId or containerName> @@print only 3 lines of logs
docker logs --tail 1 --follow <containerId or containerName> @@follow the logs
Starting container with user specific command
docker run -d ubuntu:14:04 sleep 1000000
Get inside the container
docker exec -it <containerId> bash
ps -eaf @@check the process once inside the container
docker exec -it <containerId> sh
Name the container
docker run -d --name c1 ubuntu:14.04 sleep 1000
docker run -d --name c2 ubuntu:14.04 sleep 1000
docker stop c1 @@graceful stop takes times
docker kill c2 @@forceful stop immediate
docker start c1
docker start c2
docker stop C1 @@Stop the container
docker start C1 - @@Start the container
docker kill C1 @@kill the container
docker rm C1 @@Remove the container
Inspect running container
docker inspect c1
Kill and remove all the running container
docker ps -q @@give only running containerId
docker ps -aq @@gives all the containerId
docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker rm $(docker ps -aq) @@kill all the running container & remove all container
open vi editor DockerFile and type below command
#FROM instruction is used ot define Base OS Image.
FROM ubuntu:14.04
#RUN instruction to execute command over previous step
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install figlet
#CMD instruction to define default command which will run when container starts
CMD figlet zpaya
Save the editor
[root@master]# docker build -t figlet:1.0 .
[root@master]# docker images
[root@master]# docker history figlet:1.0
[root@master]# docker run figlet:1.0
[root@master]# docker ps -a --no-trunc
[root@master]# docker run figlet:1.0 figlet docker
[root@master]# docker ps -a --no-trunc
Create a image with custome file:
open vi editor Customfile and type below command
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install figlet
#ENTRYPOINT instruction is there to define default command which will run when container starts
ENTRYPOINT ["figlet"]
Save the file and build the figlet:2.0 image and start the container with the image.
open vi editor, copy from docker host to the container
COPY Customfile /etc/
COPY Dockerfile /tmp/
Save the file and build the figlet:3.0 image and start the container with the image.
[root@master-]# docker build -t figlet:3.0 -f abc1 .
[root@master-]# docker run -it figlet:3.0 bash
root@81c9:/# cat /etc/abc
root@81c9:/# cat /tmp/Dockerfile
vi Env
FROM ubuntu:14.04
ENV blog Blogger
ENV maven /usr/bin/mvn
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/bin/java
CMD echo "$blog $maven $JAVA_HOME"
[root@master-]# docker build -t figlet:4.0 -f abc1 .
[root@master-]# docker run -it figlet:4.0 bash
vi UserInstruction
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN useradd -d "/home/zpaya" -m -s "/bin/bash" zpaya
USER zpaya
CMD id
Save the file
[root@master-]# docker build -t figlet:5.0 -f abc1 .
[root@master-]# docker run -it figlet:5.0 bash
docker run -d -P nginx @@Expose the random port of nginx to Master node
docker run -d -p 1000:80 nginx @@Expose specified port of nginx(80) to masternode
ifconfig eth0 @@will give you the public.
Day - 2
docker push Z - upload the container
Code(Dockerfile) —>
compile(docker build) —>
Read CSV from S3
import csv def count_records(csv_file): record_count = 0 first_line = None last_line = None # Open the CSV file and read it...
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