Saturday, May 18, 2019

UiPath MCQ (Multiple choice Question): Level 1 - Foundation Training

Here are the collection of UiPath MCQ question helpful in certification in UiPath RPA and interview.
1. When is it recommended to use Desktop recording?
     When you automate more steps in the same window

2. What recording wizard would you use to automate UI interactions in an application that does not offer support for selectors?
    Citrix Recording

3. How can you record the start of a Web application?
    Hit Record - Web - Open Browser - select browser

4. In order to make a UI selector stable you need to
   a). Choose fixed properties.
    b). Use Attach to Live Element

5. How can you extract a table from a web page
    a). By using the Data Scraping Wizard
    b). By using the Extract Structured Data Activity.

6. Is “Workflow2.xaml” a good name for a reusable workflow?
     a). No

7. Which of the following phrases are true regarding Project Organization?
    a).Saves time for all team members
    b). Is a constant concern of the robot developer

8.What is the recommended layout to define business logic in a complex process automation
    a). Flowchart

9.As a best practice, how should workflows use a local desktop application
   a).By checking if the corresponding process is running and if not, opening the application by using the Open Application activity.
  b). By using selectors to interact with the application.

10.What activity is used to chain together multiple workflows in a single automation
 a). Invoke workflow File Activity

11. How can you manage passwords for an automation project
   a). With Windows Credential Manager

12.How can you trigger another workflow from within your current one
a). By using the Invoke workflow File Activity

13.Which of the following is a good example of a workflow name

14. What type of arguments can you use in a workflow
a). In
b). Out
c). In/Out

15.If you need to know if a UI Element is available on the screen or not, what activity should you use
a).Element Exists

16. Where can you see the variables’ values during workflow execution
a). In the Locals Pane

17. What can you use to make sure that the execution continues even if an activity fails
a) Try/Catch Activity

18. What happens if you put a Breakpoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode
a).The workflow will be paused until you click the Continue button.

19.When running a workflow how can you see the steps the workflow is executing
a).Using Debug with Highlight Activities option,
 b).Using Debug and inspecting the Output panel

20.How many Catches can you have in a Try/Catch block?
a) There is no limit on the number of catches.

21. If you want to wait until a UI Element becomes available on the screen, what activity should you use?
a). Find Element

22.Which of the following properties are found in the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity
a) MailFolder

23.What is the output of the Save Mail Message activity
a). It saves a.eml file

24.If the PDF activities are not listed in your Activities Panel, how can you get them
a). By installing them using the Manage Packages feature.

25.We have a native PDF invoice and we need to read the amount in USD next to the label AMOUNT. What methods can we apply to get the desired value
a).Open the file in Acrobat Reader or any other compatible PDF reader and use Anchor Base with the label as an anchor
b).Use the Get Text activity with a reliable selector (if available) in order to only retrieve the amount from the PDF file.
c). By installing them using the Manage Packages feature.

26.Will the Read PDF with OCR activity open the PDF document on the screen in order to read. 

27.If you want to extract specific information from multiple native PDF files with the same structure, what activity should you use
   a). Get Text

28.Which of the following methods can be used for reading text from a native .pdf document
a). Read PDF Text Activity
b). Read PDF with OCR Activity

29.What happens if you use the Excel Read Range activity to read a .xlsx file that is already opened
a).It will read the document successfully.

30.What activity should you use to read all the data from a .xlsx file
a). Excel Read Range

31. You have an Excel table with two columns named "PersonName" and "Age". What happens if you use the activity Insert Column with the Column Name property set to "Age"
a). An exception is throw.

32. Imagine you have to use a Type Into activity in an element that loads slowly. Will it be a good idea to add some delays before executing Type Into?
a). Yes, use On element appear and start typing only after the trigger happens.
b). No, this solution is not reliable because sometimes the loading time can take more than the delay time.

33.How can we make sure that an app is in a certain state in a Citrix environment?
a)By waiting for certain UI elements to appear or disappear and making decisions based on that.

34.How can you start an application within a Citrix environment?
a).Double clicking the application icon on the desktop
b).Defining a shortcut key and then triggering the app with a Send Hotkey activity

35.What is the output of the Workbook Read Range activity?
a). A DataTable

36.How can you close a running application? 
a).By using the Close Application activity
b).By sending Alt + F4 with the Send Hotkey activity
c).By using the Kill Process activity

37.How can you extract a table from a web page?
a).By using the Data Scraping Wizard.
b). By using the Extract Structured Data Activity.

38.What activity should be used to allow a user to click on a UI Element after being blocked using the Click Trigger activity?
a). Replay User Event

39.Will a Click activity work with a Hidden browser session?
a).Yes, if the SendWindowMessages property is selected.
b).Yes, if the SimulateClick property is selected.

40.What is the UiExplorer good for?
a). To Make  Selectors Stable.

41.What can you use to add more details about the process in the workflow itself?
a). Adding Activity Annotations.
b). The Comment Activity.

42.Can you hover the mouse over a specific UI Element?
a).Yes, by using Hover OCR Text activity.
b).Yes, by using Hover Image activity.
c).Yes, by using Hover Text activity.

43.How can you grab text from a notepad window inside Citrix?
a).By using the Get Text with OCR activity
b).By using Screen Scraping/Relative Scraping.

44.What happens if you send "123[k(enter)]" by using Type Into activity with the SimulateType property selected?
a).It will type "123[k(enter)]".

45. Is notifying the user via a Message Box activity a good way to keep track of a workflow’s execution progress ?

46.What is the recommended layout to define business logic in a complex process automation?
a). Flowchart

47.What is the recommended layout for sequential activities?
a). Sequence

48.What activity is used to chain together multiple workflows in a single automation?
a). Invoke workflow file activity

49.When is it recommended to use nested If activities inside workflows?
a).You should avoid using nested If activities.

50.How should an RPA developer address runtime exceptions in the workflows?
a).By logging any exception events
b).By using automatic recovery sequences inside the Catch blocks.
c).By using Try/Catch blocks when invoking external workflow files

51.Which of the following phrases are true regarding Project Organization?
a).Is a constant concern of the robot developer
b).Saves time for all team members

52.Is “Workflow2.xaml” a good name for a reusable workflow?
a). No

53.As a best practice, how should workflows use a local desktop application?
a).By checking if the corresponding process is running and if not, opening the application by using the Open Application activity.
b).By using selectors to interact with the application.

54.How can you run the process slower in order to analyze the robot’s behavior in certain conditions?
a).By setting up Breakpoints and running the workflow in Debug mode.
b).By using Slow Step and running the workflow in Debug mode.

55.What is recommended to have in a Catch block?
a).An alternative to the approach that fails
b).A LogMessage activity

56.What is the most effective way to handle the click on a UI Element that is not always available?
a).By placing the Click activity inside a Try/Catch block.

57.If you need to stop the workflow until a UI Element has disappeared from the screen, what activity should you use?
a).Wait Element Vanish

58.What does the Locals panel display when you are working in Debug mode?
a).The current values of your variables.

59.The Finally block of a Try/Catch activity is executed when:a).Every time, regardless if an exception occurred or not.

60.When running a workflow how can you see the steps the workflow is executing?
a).Using Debug and inspecting the Output panel
b).Using Debug with Highlight Activities option

61.How can execution be paused before a particular activity? 
a).By using a MessageBox activity
b).By using a breakpoint in Debug mode

62.If you want to wait until a UI Element becomes available on the screen, what activity should you use?
a). Element Exits.

63.Which of the following activities will allow you to only retrieve unread messages?
a).Get IMAP Mail Messages
b).Get Outlook Mail Messages

64.The Save Attachments activity can save all the attachments of an email to:a). A relative Path
b). A absolute Path

65.Which of the following properties are found in the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity?
a). MailFolder

66.What activity can you use to send an email without entering the username and password of the email account?
a). Send Outlook Mail Message

67.The Send Outlook Mail Message activity will work without having Microsoft Outlook installed:a). FALSE

68.If you are using the For Each activity to loop through a list of MailMessage variables, what should you set the TypeArgument property to?

69.How can you send an image inside a MailMessage?
a).You can add the path to the attachment directly in the send activity.
b).You can specify the relative path of the image in the Attachments property.

70.What activity allows you to customize the name of the sender when you are sending an email?
a).Send SMTP Mail Message
b).Send Exchange Mail Message

71.Will The Get Outlook Mail Message activity delete the emails from the account after it reads them?
a). No

72. Which Visual Basic property within the MailMessage class will you use to get the Date of an email?

73.Which of the following statements regarding the Read PDF with OCR activity are true?
a).It allows you to specify the range of pages to be read
b).It can use different OCR engines (Microsoft, Google)
c).It works with native .pdf files

74.Which of the following activities requires the PDF file to be opened with Acrobat Reader in order to read it?
a). Get Text

75.If you want to extract specific information from multiple native PDF files with the same structure, what activity should you use?
a).By installing them using the Manage Packages feature.
b).Get Text

76.How can a robot read only the first page of a PDF file, using the PDF activities?
a).Set the Range property to: “1”

77.What activity should you use to extract all the text from the PDF file?
a).Read PDF Text
b).Read PDF with OCR

78.How can you specify the location of a PDF file?
a).As a full path to the PDF
b).As a Relative Path

79.What is the easiest way to get the invoice number from a native PDF file?
a).Open the PDF with Acrobat and scrape only relevant information

80.The Read PDF with OCR activity will throw an error if the following is not specified:
a).The OCR Engine that is to be used.
b).The FileName property.

81.What should you use if you want to get the value of a specific cell from a row in a datatable?
a). Get Row Item.

82.What happens if you use a Read Range activity with the Range property set to “” (an empty string)?
a).Reads all the information from the specified sheet

83.What activity should you use if you want to add data to an existing .xlsx document?
a).Excel Append Range
b).Workbook Append Range

84.What happens if you try to use a Write Range activity to a .xlsx file that does not exist?
a).It will create that file for you and write the data in it.

85.If you need to sort a table from an .xlsx file, what should you use?
a). An excel Sort Table Activity.

86.What activity you should use if you want to calculate a sum into a cell using Excel formulas?
a).Excel Write Cell

87.What activity should you use to read all the data from a .xlsx file?
a). Excel Read Range

88.In order to loop through all the rows of a datatable, which activity should be used?
a). For Each Row

89.Which of the following activities can be used to select an item in drop down list, in Citrix?
a) Click OCR Text
b). Click Image

90.How can the robot pass a variable argument when opening an application in Citrix (eg: a web address for a browser)?
a).In the command prompt, type in the path to the application and the argument

91.How do you reset a clipping region?
a).With a Set Clipping Region activity

92.What does the Find Image activity return?
a). An UI Element object.

93.How can we make sure that an app is in a certain state in a Citrix environment?
a).By waiting for certain UI elements to appear or disappear and making decisions based on that.

94.What is the EASIEST navigation method to be used in a form within Citrix?
a).By sending keyboard commands/hotkeys

95. Can a Pick Branch activity be used alone?
a).No, it can only be added inside a Pick activity body.

96.If a Click Image activity was created with an image of an icon, and meanwhile that icon becomes highlighted, will the activity still work?
a).Yes, if the clipping region avoids the background of the icon.
b).No, if the accuracy is too high.

97.What happens if Find Image doesn’t actually find the desired image?
a). An Exception is Throw.

98.What can be done when the Windows Remote Connection doesn’t allow sending hotkeys?
a).It should work if the Windows Remote Connection is in ‘full-screen’ mode.

99.Having an app in a Citrix environment with multiple text-boxes that look the same (size/style), how can you identify one of them to type into?
a).By clicking relative to an unique text/image next to the textbox
b).You can’t identify it if it doesn’t have something unique next to it (text/image).

100.What method would be more reliable when clicking on a specific text label in an application running in a Citrix environment, given the fact that its font size might be easily changed?
a).Using the Click OCR text Activity

101.What method do you need to use to extract the text font and color when automating in a Citrix Environment?
a).It's impossible to retrieve the text color from a Citrix environment

102.Is Reset Clipping Region mandatory to be executed at the end of a scrape relative sequence?
a).Yes, because Clipping Region is a shared resource.

103.Is it possible to click a button with Click Image Activity if the target is not visible on the screen?
a).No, you could click a button which is not visible only using selectors

104.How can you improve accuracy when scraping with OCR a region that contains only digits?
a).Use Google OCR with “Numbers Only”

105.Consider having an application in Citrix Environment that has a button named ‘Accept’ and also a label that contains the Accept word. How can Click Text be customized in order to access the correct button?
a).By using the Occurrences Property.

106.Click Image and Click Text are not 100% reliable in Citrix environments. What method can be used instead (when applicable) to have safer actions?
a).Setting focus on a reliable element and then navigating around the app using keyboard (up/down arrows, tab, etc) or using keyboard shortcuts

107.Can you use image/text automation outside of an Citrix environment?

108.Can you store a Selector in a variable?
a). Yes of the type String

109.Can the robot perform clicks alongside key modifiers (Shift, Ctrl etc) in a Citrix environment?
a). YES

110.How can you see the full list of attributes of Ui elements?
a). By using the UiExplorer Tool

111. Which of the following statements are true regarding the Find Element activity?
a).It returns the found element in a variable for later use
b).It throws an exception if it doesn’t find the element on screen

112.This is a reliable selector for a dynamic page: "webctrl idx='144' tag='IMG'/"

113.What are the supported wildcard characters for selectors in UiPath Studio?
a) ?
b) *

114.What is UiExplorer used for?
a).To create and fine tune selectors
b).To explore the UI tree

115.Can a valid selector identify different elements on the screen at the same time
a). No.

116.How many characters does "*" replace?
a). Zero or More

117.What is the slowest method of reading text?
a). OCR

118. The most important advantages of the FullText method are:
a). It work in the background
b). it is Fast
c). it is Accurate

119.What text extraction method can you use to get text position?
a). Native
b). OCR

120. What property should you use to make sure that the workflow continues even if an activity fails?
a). ContinueOnError Property

121.What defines the amount of time in which the UI target of an activity must be found?
a).The TimeoutMS property

122.How do you avoid mistaking the currently opened window with another similar one?
a).By working inside a container.

123.A UI Element target can be composed of (if it does not use a UiElement variable):
a). Selector

124.What is Attach Window used for?
a).Identifying the window you are working with.

125.By using the Full Text scraping method, the robot is able to:
a). Get Hidden Information
b). Get Editable Text

126.How do you enable the (Clipping) Region selection mode when Screen Scraping?
a). By Pressing F3

127.What type of container will Web Recording generate?
a). Attach Browser

128.What actions can you record using Automatic Recording?
a). Type Into
b). Click

129.How can you record the start of a Web application?
a).Hit Record - Web - Open Browser - select browser

130.What is the difference between Desktop recording and Basic recording?
a).Desktop recording generates containers
b).Basic recorder generates full selectors

130.What type of container will Basic Recording generate?
a). No Container

131.How do you stop the recording?
a). Escape or Right Click

132.Can you combine automatic recording with step-by-step recording in the same recording sequence?
a). YES

133.What recording profiles are available in UiPath Studio
a). Basic
b). Desktop
c). Web
d). Citrix

134.What recording wizard would you use to automate Virtual Machine actions?
a). Citrix Recording

135.What activities can be used to iterate through an Array
a) For Each

136.How can you identify a column in a data table?
a). Using The column Index
b). Using the Column Name

137.What activity can be used to modify the value of an existing cell in a DataTable
a). Assign Activity

138.How can we test if a given address (a string variable called fullAddress) can be found on a particular street (a string variable called streetName)?

139. What activity can be used to loop through each row from a DataTable?
a). For Each Row

140. What activity can you use to get the value from a certain cell, from a specific data table row
a). Get Row Item

141.How can the index integer variable be displayed inside a Message Box activity
a).“Current index is: “ + index.ToString

142.Which of the following data types are included in the Collections category?
a). Dictionary
b). List

143.If the dtNewHires datatable has 4 columns, in this order : [ID, Name, Age, Sex] and 2 rows: [1, Daniel, 38, M] ; [2, Andra, 24, F], what is the result of the expression dtNewHires.Rows(0)(1)?

144. What activity should you use to select one choice from multiple choices, based on the value of a given expression?
a).Switch Activity

145.What data types can be stored inside an array?
a). Integer
b). String

146.Can you insert a Flowchart activity in a Sequence
a). Yes

147.Which activities allow you to iterate through an array of strings?
a). while
b). For Each
c). Do While

148.Which activity can you use if you want to loop through a collection of items?
a).For Each activity

149.What happens if you rename a variable from the Variables tab?
a).The name will be automatically updated in all the activities that use it.

150.What type of argument can you define to retrieve data from an invoked workflow
a). Out.

151.In which types of variable can you store text?
a). String
b). Generic

152.When having multiple activities executing in a fixed sequential order, what kind of workflow should you use?
a). Sequence

153.You can insert a Sequence activity in a Flowchart activity.
a). TRUE

154.Where should you store login details in a safely manner
a).In UiPath Orchestrator
b).In the Windows Credentials Manager

155.Which of the following is the IDE used to develop the UiPath workflows?
a).UiPath Studio

156. The Orchestrator can:
a)Remotely control robots
b).Send Start commands to multiple robots
c).Schedule robots to perform specific processes

167.What are Queues used for?
a).Distribute transactional load among multiple robots

168.What is UiPath Explorer used for?
a).To get detailed information in regard to UI elements

169.How can you extract structured data from a web page?
a).Using the Data Scraping Wizard

170.Where can you see the list of activities that you can use in a workflow?
a).In the Activities panel

171.What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables panel?
a).Setting default values for variable
b).Changing variable type
c).Adding new variable

172.Getting the content of a PDF document is possible:
a).By opening the pdf and using screen scraping to get its data
b).By using the read Pdf text activity and providing the pdf file’s path

173.The Type Into activity can receive inputs like:
a).A variable followed by .tostring method
b). A static String

174. Generic Variable are:
a). Text
b). Number
c). Date
d). Boolean

175. Which of the following statements is true regarding Lists and Arrays?
a). List  items can be added using an Add to Collection activity.
b).  You can iterate through a List using a For Each loop activity
c). Array and List elements can be accessed by index.

176. How many characters does "*" replace

zero or more

177. What activity can you use to read an entire sheet from an excel file?
a). Read Range

178. How can we make sure that an app is in a certain state in a Citrix environment?
a). By waiting for certain UI elements to appear or disappear and making decisions based on that

179. Where can you see the activities that make up a workflow?
a). In the Workspace pane
b). In the Outline pane

180. How can you fine tune a selector?
a). Replacing variable attribute parts with *

181.What should you use to scrape tables from a web page?
a). Data Scarping

182. What activities can be used to interact with applications in a Citrix environment?
Click Image
Type Into
Click OCR Text

183.What is a wildcard used for?
a).To replace variable values in selector attributes

184.Which of the scraping methods can get you the hidden text in the element?
a). FullText

185.As a best practice, how should workflows use a local desktop application?
a).By using selectors to interact with the application.
b).By checking if the corresponding process is running and if not, opening the application by using the Open Application activity.
c). By opening the application using the Click Image activity on the application’s desktop shortcut.

186.How can you install and update activity packs?
a).Using Manage Packages within Activities Pane

187.What type of argument can you define to pass data and retrieve the modified value from an invoked workflow?
a). In/Out

189.How can we test if a given address (a string variable called fullAddress) can be found on a particular street (a string variable called streetName)?

190.What activity allows you to customize the name of the sender when you are sending an email?
a). Send Exchange Mail Message
b).Send SMTP Mail Message

191.What should you use to click in a hidden IE browser?
a). SimulateClick

192. What is TimeoutMS property used for?
a). To define the amount of time during which the target of an activity must be found

193. What recording wizard would you use to generate partial selectors?
Web Recording
Citrix Recording

Desktop Recording

194.What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables panel?
a).Setting default values for variables
b).Adding new variables
c). Changing variable types

195. What happens if you use the Write Range activity with the Range property set to “” to write a datatable to an excel file that already contains data?
a). It will append the new data to the existing data.

196. What is a sequence most suitable for?
a).Short and simple workflows
b).Pieces of automation that can be used in a larger project

197. what is an argument?
a).An input/output parameter of the workflow

198.Which of the scraping methods can get you the hidden text in the element?
a). FullText

199.If you scrape some text and you know it contains only digits, how can you make the scrape better?
a). Use Google OCR with the “Numbers Only” option

200. Is it possible to make an image automation if you are not in a Citrix environment?
a). Yes, but should be used as last resort

201. Which of the following activities can you use to extract text from a hidden browser?
a). Get FullText

202. Which of the following input methods works in background?
a).Window Messages
b). Simulate Type/Click

203.There is an input field with the text “abc”. If you use the Type activity with the text “123” and the following Properties: SimulateType checked, EmptyField unchecked, what will be the text in the field?
a). 123

204. A Click Trigger has the EventType = EVENT_SYNCHRONOUS. The activities in the Event Handler are executed before the click is sent to the application). TRUE

205. What kind of workflow should you create to define business rules?
a). Sequence
b). Flowchart

206. How should you organize your workflow?
a). Use Flowchart or State Machine for a high level organization

207.How can you extract text from a Citrix application?
a). Using Microsoft OCR

208. How can you automate a Citrix application?
a). Using Image
b). Using Text
c). Using the Keyboard

209.How can you find all anchor elements in a web page?
a). Using the Find Children activity

210.When is it recommended to use containers?
a).When performing multiple operations in the same window

211.How can you filter records from a DataTable based on a condition?
a). Checking the condition in a For Each Row loop
b). Using the 'Select' method

212.What happens if the AddHeaders property is checked for the Read Range Activity?
a).The first row from the specified range is considered to be the column header

213.What should you use to check if a checkbox is selected or cleared?
a).Get Attribute activity

214.What is a wildcard used for?
a). To replace variable values in selector attributes

215.How does UiPath recognize elements on screen?
a).Using attributes of the UI elements

216.What is the Attach Window activity used for?
a).To specify the top-level window container you will be working with

217.How can UiPath identify an UI element on the screen?
a).By using a full selector
b).By using a partial selector inside a container
c).By using a reference of it, previously saved in a variable

218.How can you fine tune a selector?
a).Adding all parents
b).Replacing variable attribute parts with *

219.Which recording profile generates full selectors?
a).Basic recording

220.Which activities can be used to interact with the user?
a). Input Dialog
b).. Message Box

221.What is the technique used to indicate an item from a popup menu that disappears on click?
a).Delayed selection

222.When should you use the Flowchart workflow?
a).When modelling a process that has loops to previous states
b).When having a process with many decision blocks

223.How can you install and update activity packs?
a).Using Manage Packages within Activities Pane

224.Where can you find the value written by the Write Line activity?
a).In the Output pane

225 Where can you see the activities that make up a workflow.a).In the Workspace pane
a).In the Outline pane

226. What activity can you use to get a column value from a specific row of a DataTable?
Read Cell

227. What is UiExplorer used for? 
To create stable selectors - answer

228. Can you run the robot manually, step by step, in order to analyze the robot behavior in certain conditions?
Yes, by running the workflow in Debug mode.
Yes, by using Breakpoints and running the workflow in Debug mode.
Yes, by using Step Into and Step Over.

229. Creating automation in a Citrix environment is challenging because:
You don’t have direct access to UI elements.
You need to interact with the app using only Image Recognition and OCR.
Selectors are hard to create for virtual environments.

230. Which activity should you use to Click on a specified text in a Citrix Environment?
Click OCR Text

231. What would you use to exit from a for each activity and continue the execution of the workflow?
Break activity

232. What type of content can you store inside a Generic type variable?

Check out Level 2 - Orchestrator Training MCQs


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Read CSV from S3

 import csv def count_records(csv_file):     record_count = 0     first_line = None     last_line = None     # Open the CSV file and read it...